If you’ve recently had bunion or hammer toe surgery, ankle
replacement, or a knee replacement, your doctor may recommend the
R.I.C.E. method to help manage pain and swelling.1
Rest. Modified rest is important. You don’t want to spend all
of your time in bed, but also you don’t want to over-exert
Ice. Applying ice to the area can help relieve pain. Your
doctor may suggest an alternating schedule, like applying ice for 20
minutes at a time with two hours in between icing, as needed. It’s a
good idea to be sure to put something, like a pillow case, between
the ice and your skin to protect your skin.
Compression. Using a compression wrap or elastic bandage
around the area can help manage swelling. Your doctor can recommend
what would work best for your recovery.
Elevation. Elevate your leg whenever possible. While you’re
lying down, for instance, you can use pillows to prop up the